Mersedes Catano In gratitude to the Holy Lord of Chalmito because Santiago asked her to marry him after he was told that she would not be returning because she was to be Married And this was not true. San Mateo Flaltenango 1930
Mersedes Catano In gratitude to the Holy Lord of Chalmito because Santiago asked her to marry him after he was told that she would not be returning because she was to be Married And this was not true. San Mateo Flaltenango 1930
This is a keepsake and gratitude to Jesus Christ who gave us the good luck to fulfill our marriage which we almost didn’t [get to] do. Adelina Juares and Josefo Fuentes Apisaco Tzaxcaza 1949
Elidoro Lopez is very grateful to Holy Mary of Guadalupe for granting me these Maguilles that are giving me lots of pulque and I could erect my little House with the sale of my pulque I ask you to Bless my Maguilles I offer this Milagrito Every year that you give me and Every year on your [saint] day 12 December, 1930.
I give thanks to Our Lord for granting the miracle of a good harvest When year after year Everything was destroyed either by a plague of Bad weather and with All my faith and devotion to God I placed the Harvest in his hands receiving large amount of beans and maize and I wish to make it known by means of this retablo. Fidencio Cruz October 26, 1959
Thank you little Virgin of Guadalupe for granting me this Crop of Corn that you have given in abundance saving it from strong ices that Fell Here in Inclavaca making me lose the harvest of Corn and wheat May you be blessed for this Crop. Evaristo Miranda September 1947
A house next to mine having caught on fire on July 2 1944, seeing the burning wood falling into my garden, feeling very alarmed. I invoked the Holy Virgin of San Juan; and having been freed, in gratitude I dedicate this retablo. Aurelia A. de Castellanos