My son Juanito Ramirez [Rumirez?] fell in our well and thanks to the Virgin of San Juan to whom I am devote he didn’t drown for this I send this recuerdo.Jesusa Adame Morelio Michoacan1941
My son Juanito Ramirez [Rumirez?] fell in our well and thanks to the Virgin of San Juan to whom I am devote he didn’t drown for this I send this recuerdo.Jesusa Adame Morelio Michoacan1941
I was going along foolishly and seeing a pretty girl, I lost my balance and fell hard on my face with a full basket of bread but nothing happened to me thanks to the virgin of San Juan to whom I am devoted.1940
With this retablo I give thanks to Saint Jude Tadeo for saving me from dying in the attack on the Twin Towers because at that time I was working in one of the towers.Ines Beltran JimensNovember 21, 2001
Finding myself so ill with stabbing pains that I had no hope to live, I turned to the Lord of Clemencia offering him to make the miracle public, and now that I am healthy, I fulfil my promise. Big Plains Rancho. Maria Arriola May 18 1905
My brother Gonzalo was going along with his donkey and they fell in the gorge and my mother and I prayed to the Virgin of San Juan to heal them and my brother was healed but the donkey remained brain-damages [tonto, stupid] but he did not die and we present this retablo on the month of may of the year 1947 to give thanks.