I had been accused of a crime I did not commit and every day I was tortured to make me confess but I pleaded to the Virgin of Guadalupe to help me resist and she did. Jose Avila Mexico 1929
I had been accused of a crime I did not commit and every day I was tortured to make me confess but I pleaded to the Virgin of Guadalupe to help me resist and she did. Jose Avila Mexico 1929
Souvenir of gratitude to Our Lord of Esquipula.October 30, 1868
From Dave Bartholomae, Theorist and Scholar of Composition Studiesand Joyce Bartholomae, Professor (and Lover) of (Anything) SpanishThis first of these images comes from a small church in Banos, a mountain town. The story we heard is that these were originally painted on the walls by different artists, then in the 30s some hired a painter to copy / replace them all in a single size and style. You’ll see that the miracles feature bridge building, volcanoes and floods.This second series comes from the Basilica de la Merced. The Mercedarios was the order that had the power during the period of independence. Unfortunately, the photos don’t show the captions—all very short.They tell the stories of appearances of the Virgin, all at key moments in the history of Ecuador—from the conquistadores, to the founding of the city, to independence and during periods of epidemic, volcanoes and...
Señor Isidro Mechara was riding full gallop when the horse’s reigns broke and he fell to the ground but was caught up in the stirrups. Fearing himself doomed he prayed to the Hold Infant of Atocha and the Virgin of Guadalupe and the horse stopped saving his life.October 12, 1966
To our Lady of Talpa I give thanks for giving me the good luck to recover from the ailment of my feet after not being able to walk for the duration of one year because of an accident falling on the stairs of my house not finding any remedy I entreated you and today I can abandon this wheelchair.Juana UrvinaTalipa Jalisco